
Because the Summer it's the best time to remember, with black and red

Because the Summer it's the best time to remember, with black and red - To be listened while reading, for a proper approach ;) We've got not much time together. In fact, we've got so little time with each other, but so much invested in one another.Time, sentiments, stories to tell...I guess we were not meant to be. Still, despite them all good things that happened ...  What was I left with? Is it that important ? These lessons, do I really need to have them? Why was it so breaking, so expensive....I barely could afford this. I don't get it and I don't understand, but I know one thing for sure.  I'll be so safe from now on, there won't be any more scars...there's no place for this. I know I can't blame him, but neither me...I didn't do anything wrong I loved you at your darkest you idiot. But you don't care, there's no hope. Anyways, I'm done . One day you will remember me as the best thing you could ever...

ma gândesc încă la titlu...

Ei bine, și ce e un moment fericit? E atunci când după ore de însetarea din motive de....comoditate, fratele tău îți prepară ceaiul preferat. Cum intra în camera, ceaiul își răspândește mireasma în toate colțurile încăperii. Fericirea e și o cană de ceai, "condimentata" cum îți place ție. 🍵 Dacă încerc să spun mai mult, mă tem că vor începe cuvintele să-și piardă din esență. Uneori când te întorci sa recitești o frază, nici nu mai are acea intensitate precum cea din prima citire. La fel cum unele gânduri își pierd din profunzime imediat cum încearcă a fi exprimate, exteriorizate. Căci cum altfel, dacă nu astfel, nuanța li se diminuează. 

Noah Kahan - False Confidence

They say get dressed for what you wanna be in the future, also, they say get to your senses and behave yourself. I say, do whatever you think is the best, because at the end of the did the best that could be done at the moment. So you did the best. Don't worry, eventually you will find your way :)

Look at you all dressed up for some...

Now you talk like yourself, but you're somebody else Only it ain't on the surface.... And I wonder why I tear myself down to be built back up again, oh I hope some day I'll wake up young again.    Stii cum se spune: nu trebuie sa regreti nimic, ci doar sa inveti. Treci prin viata, nu stii de ce se intampla, ci stii doar ca se intampla.  Doar pentru ca e greu , nu inseamna ca ai gresit. E doar greu  Nu privi inapoi pentru ca oricum  nu poti schimba nimic.  ↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠ Si nu, nu e vina ta.  Meriti mai bun. Fii sigura ca ai facut bine, Ema Noah Kahan - False Confidence
         Inima nu are limba dar nu tace o clipa.  

My world was crushing while you were quiet

Here starts my story that I'm about to tell you.  I'm a polyglot person, I enjoy a lot of things. Some of them would be  spending time alone, I love to be around friends and to laugh with them, and having aunforgettable times. Right now it's the start  of the last semester of university. I'm so confused what to do with my life. My sister is having a baby, and I don't even  have a boyfriend. Well, there's someone I talk to but I can't say where we're going with that.....  So let me tell you about this picture. I was in Maine USA if I remember well, with Dina and some other guys...what's it's name? ..Harun and Back. I just wanted to escape in some place. So we took some apples, cakes and water with us, we took David's car and went to the ocean. We spent a full day at the beach, enjoying the sun, the wind in my hair and trying to escape out of my mind. I was so upset and worried thinking that maybe I was doing the wrong th...